It's College Fair Season...


Fall means football and college fairs.  Students -- and parents -- may want to take advantage of these events where college admission officers or alumni are present to answer questions and pass out brochures and other information to students and their families. Free and often open to the public, college fairs are a good way to get an introduction to a wide range of schools at once and a good starting point for your research into schools.  

Since these events can be crowded and chaotic, an action plan can help ensure that you get the most out of the experience. Here are our suggestions:


       *    Obtain a list of the participating colleges online or from your college counselor in advance of the fair and determine which schools’ booths you will want to visit.

       *    Do some homework. Check out the websites of the schools you want to visit and prepare a list of questions after you’ve done some research.

        *     While you're collecting brochures from colleges in which you may be interested, also pick up the business card of the school's representative.     They could be a good contact point for further information.

        *     Do not bring a resume. Schools are not interested in a resume from you at this point.

        *     College fairs sometimes include information sessions on subjects such as financial aid or the search process, so plan accordingly if you want to attend.

Juniors: Resources for Your College Search


There are many resources available to you as you research schools in order to create an initial list of colleges to which you may apply -- guidebooks, brochures, blogs, websites and even YouTube videos.

Here are the objective guidebooks and websites we recommend -- these are comprehensive reference resources for basic information about colleges and universities. The books listed here are available in most bookstores, public libraries and the office of your high school college or guidance counselors.  Websites are available to everyone free of charge.


College HandbookThe College Board
Four Year CollegesPeterson’s
Four Year College Admissions Data: Index of Majors and Sports available from Wintergreen Orchard House


Seniors: Finding Your Voice in the Essay


Seniors, as you work on your essays, we strongly recommend you avoid books hawking application essays that “worked.” You won’t find the story that says the most about you in someone else’s work. Colleges want to hear your voice in your writing. You’re much better off investing your time— and money— in some good writing. Here are some recommendations of engaging essays written in the first-person:

• David Sedaris:  Santaland Diaries and Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim

• Sloane Crosley: I Was Told There’d Be Cake

• Gayle Pemberton: The Hottest Water in Chicago

2012 Colleges with Early Decision Plans


For seventeen years, high school counselor Cigus Vanni has created and maintained a series of lists that are great tools for students -- and counselors. We're delighted he is allowing us to share these lists with our readers. In previous weeks, we posted 2012-2013 Schools that require or recommend Subject Tests and 2012 Colleges and Universities with Early Action plans. Today, we are featuring 2012 Colleges and Universities with Early Decision plans.

Early decision (ED) plans are restrictive -- they place conditions on the student restricting them from applying to other schools or committing them to enrolling. Under early decision plans, students apply to only one ED college and sign a binding commitment to enroll if accepted. Applications are submitted early, usually in November, and notification usually occurs in December. If the student is admitted, applications to any other colleges submitted under regular decision, rolling admission, or early action plans must be withdrawn immediately.

Some colleges offer multiple admission plans, such as ED and Early Action or more than one round of ED admissions. That information is included in brackets following the name of each school. Always check the website of each college to which you are applying in order to understand the specifics of their restrictions and requirements. 

Reed College Joins the Gourmet Guide


We're thrilled to welcome Reed College in Portland, Oregon, to the Gourmet Guide. We hope you're visiting this Pacific Northwest campus, because we've got some great recommendations from fine dining to food carts -- think quinoa cannoli with passionfruit filling, Willapa Bay oysters, and pommes frites with rosemary-truffle ketchup. Oh, and remember it's famous for its perfectly roasted coffee, too.  Located in the Willamette Valley, one of the country’s richest growing regions, Portland's food scene is known for innovation, sustainability and a Pacific Rim openness to international cuisines. From farm-to-table cuisine to  a wealth of food carts you could spend your entire four years of college exploring, there's something for everyone. Check out the favorites of Reed students and faculty here.  

Rankings: What does "Best" really mean?


Yesterday the US News and World Report (USNWR) rankings were released -- dubbed by some “the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition” of college lists. Distracting and sometimes deceptive, we think rankings can nevertheless be useful for students and parents if approached correctly. But we strongly urge students and parents not to fall prey to the “best-ism” that is part of the larger cultural phenomenon of status competition and celebrity.

You may want to take a look at this new site from the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). Timed to coincide with the USNWR’s Best Colleges edition, this site parts the curtain on rankings for students and parents, examining the methodologies and discussing the meaning of “best.” While you’re there, you might want to also take the opportunity to submit questions about the rankings to another new feature, the Counselor’s Corner

Juniors: Giving Your Best Effort in The Classroom


Juniors, you should be giving your best effort in all your classes. Take a strong academic courseload and challenge yourself academically. If you are doing less than three hours of homework each day, talk with your counselor about enrolling in more advanced classes. First and foremost, what colleges will want to know about you is what you are like as a learner – your grades and courses,  as well as teacher recommendations, of course,  show them that.


Check out Chapter 5 in College Admission: From Application to Acceptance, Step by Step for more information about what defines a challenging curriculum and achieving balance between grades, challenging courses, and personal time.


Seniors: Forging ahead on Finalizing Your List


Seniors, your ongoing task over the new few weeks should be finalizing the list of the eight to ten schools to which you will apply. You will see and hear a lot in the media and in the hallways of your schools about the low admit rates at many schools. But while many colleges have low admit rates, don't be daunted. There are great colleges out there that are right for you. The average selectivity rate in fall 2010 at four-year colleges and universities was 65.5 percent (Clinedinst, Hurley & Hawkins, 2011).  Keep forging ahead; just make sure your list includes enough schools where you are likely to be admitted. 


You can find more information on admit rates (defined on page 248) and on narrowing your list to the eight to ten schools to which you will apply  (Chapter 10, page 155) in our book, College Admission: From Application to Acceptance, Step by Step.

What a Bug Can Teach You about Colleges


Today's column is from John Carpenter, author of  Going Geek: What Every Smart Kid (and Every Smart Parent) Should Know About College Admissions. Read on to learn what mustachioed caterpillars can teach you about finding a great college.


Many people know that I’ve been living in Costa Rica for the last year, and that I work at an amazing school with people from 65 different countries.  Sometimes I can’t believe how cool things are here.

The campus is home to some incredible bio-diversity.  There are more trees, flowers, and plants than I’ve ever seen.  Most days I just walk right by them and don’t really pay much attention to the huge variety of growing things around me.  But I’m beginning to learn that there’s more to a bunch of leaves than I thought.

About a month ago, our new teachers arrived on campus, and one of them is this very cool guy called Isaac.  He’s a Wesleyan grad, and he’s really smart--a geek who loves biology.  What sets him apart is that he will stop to look at any random plant on campus and instantly find very cool stuff living on it.  He caught a giant moth, for example, just to see how long its tongue was.

Monthly Financial Aid Checklist for Seniors

Paying for college is a concern for most families. This post marks the first of a monthly series for seniors on what you should be doing with regard to financial aid, written by college advisor Alice Kleeman. Remember, while in most families it is up to the parents to provide the bulk of the money for college costs to the extent of their ability to pay, it is the student who applies for student aid. Read, save and use these monthly reminders!