
Did You Know? Big Bird is a Turkey and 19 Other Interesting Facts about This Week's Centerpiece

Homeschooling journalist Heather Saunders brings us "Twenty Interesting Things About... Turkeys" via The Pioneer Woman blog. For example, did you know Benjamin Franklin thought the turkey should be our national bird? And it's true: Big Bird's costume is comprised of feathers from 45-pound turkeys. Read on for more illuminating facts about this week's holiday centerpiece. And Happy Thanksgiving!

A Pencil Can Write 45,000 Words and other Back-to-School Shopping Trivia

“An apple for the teacher will always do the trick when you don’t know your lesson in arithmetic.”

We're suckers for Back-to-School. We really don't need the 96-count box of Crayola Crayons. Our children are past that stage and need new laptops. But we want crayons! And new notebooks and pens, too.  Luckily, homeschooler Heather Sanders posted this list of "…20 interesting things you may, or may not know, about your back-to-school supplies" over at the Pioneer Woman. It helped us with our Back-to-School shopping addiction... -- we can now resist throwing those crayons in the grocery cart -- so we're sharing it here with you. Read all about backpacks, paper clips and tape… and why children brought apples to their teachers.